All righty. Twitter rolled out a new personalized banner image last week, in case you hadn’t heard.  You can now jazz up your Twitter profile with a new header image, which looks a lot like a Facebook cover photo, or Google+, if that’s your thing.

Before you add a new Twitter header to your profile, here’s some info to know:

  • Maximum header dimensions: 1252 x 626
  • Max file size 5MB
  • Use landscape-oriented images

If you’re already a Twitter user, the avatar will be centered in the header, something new.

Also new is the display of your bio, now a white font and centered.  Do select a header image or photo that’s a little darker, rather than light or something busy, so your bio stands out, making it easy to read.

How to Add a Twitter Header 

1.  Go to Settings

2. Click Design

 3. Scroll down until you see Customize Your Own, click Change Header

Have fun with your creations, and if you feel like sharing yours, post a link to your Twitter profile below.

Tweet on!