Did you know that one of the most common reasons for not hiring a virtual assistant is because entrepreneurs are afraid they’ll look stupid?

I kid you not. There are actual business owners who are so afraid they’ll look as if they don’t know what they’re doing that they’d rather struggle. They suffer through years and years of doing things they don’t like to do and quite frankly aren’t very good at just so that no one has a bad opinion of them.

If that’s you, let me ask you this. Do you see a doctor when you’re sick? Why is that? It’s your body…. you should know what to do with it, right? No. Of course not. Because a doctor is trained to know more than you do about your body. Your job is just to take care of it the best you can and call for help when you need it. Think of a virtual assistant as a doctor for your business. If your business is in pain and you can’t figure out why or from where, then maybe it’s time to call a doctor!

Hiring a virtual assistant doesn’t mean you’re incompetent or stupid. It means exactly the opposite. You’d have to be pretty smart to do what’s best for your business and delegate tasks that are better suited for a VA.  When you bring one on, it’s because you know your time is best used doing things you’re good at – like bringing in clients, producing products, or providing the amazing service you offer.

If you weren’t trained in a certain area, no one expects you to be good at it (well, except you). For example let’s imagine your bathroom faucet leaks. You’ve tried to seal it up with some goop you found at the hardware store, but that isn’t helping. Thanks to the leak, your water bill has skyrocketed. Now your wallet is leaking too.

(I’d like to use some fancy plumbing terms here but I don’t know any because I’m not a plumber.)

And that’s exactly my point. If you’re not a plumber, you don’t know how to plumb…or whatever the correct term is. And if you’re not a virtual assistant, you’re probably not very good at being one. I live in a house and am unashamed to call a plumber if I have a leak. I don’t first try to fix it myself. As a matter of fact, I’d just screw it up worse (my family won’t allow this wannabe handy-gal to use tools of any kind, especially power tools). This doesn’t make me stupid or incompetent. I know my talent isn’t plumbing and when to call in a pro.

You cannot change what you don’t confront.

Let’s face it, doing tasks outside of your core genius can be confusing, frustrating, stressful, and overwhelming.  Bottom line, why waste your valuable time and energy?

We have a great team of virtual assistants that are ready, willing, and able to help you whether you’re in Australia, Manhattan, or right here in good old Minneapolis.

Are you ready to boldly delegate the tasks that are outside of your zone and hire a virtual assistant to stop your business leaks?  Fabulous! *

Thanks for reading.

Until next time,


* I look forward to hearing from you.