I am so excited to introduce to you our latest blog series, Tales from the MetroNorth Chamber: Monthly Character Expositions that we are kicking off soon.

When I first started my business a hundred years ago, I regularly attended many different networking events. At that time, no one seemed to welcome me as heartily as the NorthMetro Chamber of Commerce did. This group was comprised of funny, genuine and unique people who are passionate about their business and know how to be themselves.  In short, I wasn’t bored off my gore attending their events and have enjoyed getting to know these characters and what makes them tick.

As a way to tell their tale, Amy, one of my virtual assistants/writer and I teamed up to come up with this blog series. Each month you’ll get to know a different member, their story, what they do and how to contact them…….because they’re worth knowing.

It is my hope you’ll enjoy this fantastic series and come to appreciate each of these people just as I have.

Thanks for reading.

Until next time,
