Ever thought you could have a conversation with the founder of Virgin Airlines or the CEO of Zappos, one of the most successful online shoe and apprarel shops?  Did you ever think you could have a chat with the rock star experts within your own industry?   Well, you can, through social media sites, such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn.

Here’s how:

Check out their Twitter, Facebook Biz Page, LinkedIn Group and blog.  To get on their radar, see what they’re blogging about and sharing on social media.  Retweet them, comment on their Facebook page or LinkedIn group, share links to their content in your own social media.  The idea is not to become a stalker, but rather to let them know you’re out there, and you’re more than just a fan boy or girl.

Remember, they’re posting their content in a public forum, for public consumption.

Add value.   Leave insightful comments on their blog that expands the topic or discussion thread.  Write your own blog post and link back to theirs. Create a video response, letting them know about your experiences and results from the methods or techniques they taught. 

Ask a question.  Think about something unusual here, something you haven’t seen answered elsewhere, but something other followers might wonder about too.

Don’t get huffy.   I suggestested the above recommendations to someone and she got huffy when her question wasn’t answered by the expert within her industry.  Realistically, your question is one of dozens they’ll get and yours may not be answered.  It’s a matter of volume; it’s nothing personal. 

Keep at it.  The longer you work at establishing a connection, the more familiar your name will seem.

Give before you ask. If you’re hoping to establish a relationship with an expert —  as a possible joint venture partner or as a guest blogger — then you’ll have more work to do.  The top dogs get dozens of requests for help, so stand out from the crowd of favor-seekers by doing something for THEM first.

Getting noticed by the experts within your industry is possible by going directly to the source via social media.

Social on!