What does social media success mean to you?  Is it to

  • Connect with a specific demographic
  • Get more positive reviews
  • Increase connections, fans and followers
  • Engage your audience
  • Get more speaking gigs
  • Build long-lasting relationships
  • Get people to read your online article or blog
  • Launch a product
  • More inquiries from prospects
  • Boost web site traffic
  • Establish yourself as a thought leader, an industry expert
  • Be quoted or mentioned in traditional media
  • Attract and recruit top talent
  • Boost attendance at your event
  • Connect with joint venture partners
  • Generate leads
  • Sell more services or products
  • Do a lot of free market research
  • Build and increase the number of email subscribers
  • Educate your audience
  • Boost credibility with testimonials from customers

Social media success is different for everyone and there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach.  Build slowly and be consistent.  Remember, without clearly understanding what your social media goals are, there is no effective way to measure your success.