How To Connect with Experts on Social Media

Ever thought you could have a conversation with the founder of Virgin Airlines or the CEO of Zappos, one of the most successful online shoe and apprarel shops?  Did you ever think you could have a chat with the rock star experts within your own industry?   Well, you...

First Friday Freelancers

I was first introduced to the First Friday Freelancers (FFF) networking group through a very talented graphic designer friend of mine over a year ago.  The FFF is made up of a bunch of creative, sharp gals who are mostly entrepreneurs in marketing, PR, communications,...

Simple Tips to Get Retweeted

So maybe you’ve been on Twitter for a while and you’re wondering how to get retweeted. Does it matter? Retweeting is an excellent way to acknowledge others and share great information that helps your followers.  It shows your awareness and knowledge of...