Have a Facebook business page and not sure what to post?  Below is a list of 15 ideas to help get you started.

  • Share milestones and anniversaries about your business, any job openings, promotions, new services or products.
  • Do some B2B and “like” other business pages as your business page and share their updates with your audience.
  • Promoting others in Facebook is very effective, so tag other business pages.  A tag links that page to something you post; it’s also a nice compliment.  The key is to not over do it, so tag in moderation.
    • To tag: in the status box type the @ symbol, then pick the name you’d like to tag
      from the dropdown menu.   For example:  @angco
  • For increased engagement tag people in your status updates too.  Remember to tag in moderation.
  • Invite someone to be a guest host for your business page.
  • Share a link to your newsletter.  If you use Constant Contact, MailChimp, iContact consider installing your email application on a custom tab on your business page.  Invite your audience to sign up for your newsletter.
  • Be engaged.  Reply to comments, tags, and likes on your wall.
  • Ask your audience for their opinion.  Ask them for blog topic suggestions or events, etc.
  • Do a compare and contrast on a product or service.  Ask your audience for their feedback.
  • Shake things up with a joke or riddle or a true/false question.
  • Get creative and customize your page.  Use the photo strip at the top your page to spell out a word or highlight a product or service.
  • When sharing a link, pull one key point or tip from the post as a “teaser” in your status box.  Share a link to your blog post or a great article.
  • Pictures are a fun way to connect with your audience, so post some of your product or
    service and add the descriptions in the captions.
  • Post photos of your employees, you, happy customers, a business mascot.
  • Check out your Facebook Insights to see which updates get the most engagement and continue to share that type of content.

These are just a few suggestions to get the creative juices going.  If you’ve had some great posts on Facebook, we’d love to hear about them.  Share away!